I finally fully understand why Spider went up a god damn mountain and why Hunter lived far fucking away from the rest of you.
I realize I sound like a paranoid crazy person, but a paranoid is just someone with all the facts, and were the facts blood I would be drowning right now. Not that our American Empire has ever lacked for blood. I can't stand the killing anymore. I just fucking can't. Whether it's Black Americans being gunned down in the streets or entire Afghan wedding parties being wiped off the map, it's all just too goddamn much.
I know I said I was gonna do a whole thing on the DNC, but I just fucking can't. I watched the first night and live tweeted it (follow @schwabthedeck for my off the cuff half baked statements), and I’ve decided that's about all I can stomach. I watched ten minutes of Kamala's speech, but all I could think about were the hundreds of innocent Americans she helped keep locked up. I'd be a real fucking hypocrite to support that shit and still protest the unceasing brutality that is the American justice system. And then I watched Biden's speech, which I forced myself to watch all of.
And it was just as I expected, more meaningless rhetoric from a tired, dead-eyed old man with nothing to give but the possibility of a Harris presidency. The whole thing is disgusting and the fact that anyone still supports this shit boggles my mind, the biggest traitors being anyone who left the Democrats just to join up with the sociopaths at the GOP, who blindly follow The Beast no matter how naked he marches up and down the streets to the tune of every other fascist fuck to ever walk the earth. And these monkeys keep clanging their cymbals and so many of you keep falling for it.
But back to the killing.
Does it really not bother any of you? Does it really not bother you that everything we do and a sizable amount of our money goes to extrajudicial killings abroad? I realize I am just as much a part of that system as anyone else, but god damn it will I find a way to get the fuck out of Dodge.
The amount of illegally murdered civilians is honestly too numerous to mention here, so there are two particular murders I'm going to focus on: One committed by Obama, the murderous psychopath you all seem to revere, and another by The Beast, who is every bit the boogeyman so many of you know he is but seem to refuse to do anything about the system that him put there in the first place. Also, point of order, considering the fuckery of our government, there is no clear count of how many innocent people we've turned into hamburger, so I'm going to type two names now, and I want you to remember two things about these children, I repeat children, that our government so callously murdered in the name of "national defense". Before I dive into this, though, I just want to remind everyone reading this that I am not privy to any special information. It's just nobody seemed to care about anything until a Pandemic took their job and a cop took an innocent man's life over a twenty dollar bill.
Abdulrahman al-Awlaki
Nawar "Nora" al-Awlaki
They were children. Abdulrahman was 16, Nawar only eight years old. They were both U.S. citizens, and they deserved way more than they got. I don't care what kind of family they were born into, I don't care why they were where they were, I don't care about any of that and neither should anyone else. How anyone can justify the murder of children, especially the murder of children by their very own government, is beyond foreign to me and quite frankly, that is a country I will never visit. So I hope you all have fun in Whogivesashitville, capital city of the nation of Fuckitall. But this is the kind of shit that keeps me up at night, along with all the other evil fuckery our government gets up to in the name of freedom and security.
Abdulrahman's father was Anwar al-Alaki, a suspected terrorist who was murdered extra judicially only two weeks before his son. And before you death junkies start fapping away at that sentence, you should know that Anwar al-Alaki was an American citizen, which, like it or not, entitles him to the same due process as you or I, and that definitely doesn't mean being placed on a C.I.A. kill list by the president. But who gives a fuck about due process when you're fighting a war you started in countries that you have never officially declared war on.
This is the absolute insanity that I drown myself in constantly and frankly it's no wonder people tell me to seek help because I don't know how I'm supposed to stay sane in a country that drops the word democracy almost as much as it drops bombs.
I don't know why Abdulrahman was there at the time the drone strike took his life, and apparently neither does the U.S. government. He never should have died to begin with, because quite honestly we should not be dropping bombs in countries that we are not at war with in any area where there could be civilian casualties because I thought we were better than that, but maybe I could move past it, if not for two things.
First, there's the absolute callousness within the government for the death of a U.S. citizen. Former White House press secretary and awful human being Robert Gibbs was quoted as saying, "I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well-being of their children." Let that sink in for a moment. The White House press secretary, after his boss illegally murdered a father and son, placed the blame on the father. So I guess, according to the Obama administration, if a kid dies because of a negligent or abusive parent it's the kids fault. Awesome. Thanks, Obama.
Second, and I can't even believe I'm gonna type this because it doesn't feel real that I'm typing it, but it wouldn't be so bad if The Beast didn't order the eventual murder of Abdulrahman's little sister.
She shouldn't be dead. I don't fucking care who is going to try to tell me otherwise. She was a child and she was murdered so The Beast could look like a big man. Again, I don't give a fuck about why she was in the house. Every article I read about the raid that got her killed has either the word "risky", "botched" or some other similar word to describe an operation that never should have been ordered. They were planning that raid well before The Beast came into power, so no shit this vain cockstain decides to go through with it, just to show the world that he has the balls he claimed to have on the campaign trail. Well, congratulations you utter piece of shit, your total vanity cost an 8 year old American citizen her life.
Again, I really don't know how any of you can stand for this shit and I don't know how it doesn't drive you crazy to know that your tax dollars keep going towards utter horror like this no matter who you vote for. Do any of you honestly believe Joe Biden is going to draw down our troop strength in the Middle East? His DNC speech made literally NO MENTION of foreign policy of any kind, at least that I can remember through the absolute disgust I have for that dead-eyed lying prick.
Quite honestly, it's just laziness at this point. Everyone acts concerned but they're too god damn lazy to look for other options, or somehow, even after the D.N.C. stole Wisconsin from Bernie Sanders or The Beast drove the public health into the ground so the stock market could keep humming, everyone is still just too happy to play up the two party game.
Fuck. That.
You people had three and half years to explore other options and candidates, and because you were all too busy watching political theater and wiping the greasy smudges off your opera glass, somehow it will be my fault if The Beast gets another four years? Fucking spare me your nonsense.
Even now, you could all change your minds. We're still three months from the election, and not a single one of you are excited about voting Old/Cop or Beast/Sociopath and you know it. But keep on with that hope and change man, because that shit worked so well when Obama was building cages and wondering how he could get a bullet in the back of Edward Snowden's skull.
This isn't about "taking a stand against the system", this about no longer being party to extrajudicial murder while minority communities continue to suffer at the hands of a racist and cruel justice system. It already disgusts me that I'm paying for it, but I'll be fucking damned if I'm gonna keep voting for it.
I need to find a god damn mountain.
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