You know what, America?
You win. You fucking win.
Bomb all the countries you want, murder and imprison all the innocent you want, lie as much and take as much and fuck us over as much as you god damn want.
But I never want to hear that fucking Lee Greenwood song ever again for as long as I may live.
I envy the deaf every time I hear it. And I know that's fucked up to say, but seriously, that song somehow sends me into a rage greater than I have ever known while simultaneously strangling whatever emotions I have in me until there is nothing left but a shell. It’s just the worst kind of lame. The kind of shit that people play to show their patriotism even though every time that song plays a bald eagle drops dead out of the sky. I bet The Beast hates it too, And I bet right now he’s thinking of a song that actually has any kind of artistic merit without being sued again.
I'm currently listening to and half-watching The Beasts second coronation as the leader of neoconservatism, which is almost as bad as neoliberalism. At least neoconservatism doesn't hide what it's motives are. The shit is there for everyone to smell. It's those NIMBY fucks you really gotta watch out for.
It's sad, really. I used to view the Republican Party, and a lot of people probably won't believe this, as at the very least a worthy enemy. Of course, we're talking at least fifteen years ago, just when social media was starting to emerge and we still had some respect for the news. Before Iraq, before everything just seemed to fall apart at the seams. No wonder my generation is so fucking damaged. Largest terrorist attack on American soil, two wars that are somehow still going on because opium is such a cash crop and every year we lose more and more respect for each other and ourselves thanks to us never learning how to use the internet as responsible people.
I don't know how any of you real conservatives can stand it. I get why the Evangelicals have latched on. They're lunatics. But you guys? I mean I realize Fox News has had a monopoly on your news for what seems like forever and it's getting harder and harder to find fair, unbiased coverage but I know there are a lot of you out there that look at this and can't believe it.
What I don't understand is how any of you can believe this shit I'm hearing dribble out of his mouth right now. How can any of you believe that Joe Biden is a socialist or that the Democrats are as controlled by the progressive wing as The Blaze wants to tell you? Look at the man's voting record, his bills for fucks sake.
The rhetoric is unbelievable. Well, almost unbelievable. We've had almost four years of this shit. And so many of you lap it up. Joe Biden is not a leftist, the same way The Beast is not any sort of Christian, and that so many of you who claim to be faithful but aren't lunatics still believe in him is nothing short of just plain depressing to me.
And The Beast went there. I fucking knew it. I said to myself, "He is absolutely going to mention Biden being a fucking creep." and man did he go there.
Like I said, I knew he would. And this is why I can’t take the GOP seriously anymore, at least not anyone who isn’t in office because like I say ad nausea, the only true ideology of either parties elected officials is “Gimme, gimme, gimme!”
You were the supposed moral arbiters of America. The party that wanted to put warning labels on my rock and roll albums and lock me up forever over a gram of coke. But now you’ve somehow become the party of crass loudmouths who have given up any semblance of dignity. Is the irony of militias with “Don’t Tread on Me” tatted on their foreheads allying themselves with state-sanctioned protectors of property lost on all of you? I mean jesus christ, when it’s the liberals telling you that something is too far maybe it fucking is. And these bullshit calls for civility. I’m tired of hearing about civility from the right when they elected a guy who sued his wife over calling him a rapist in her memoirs.
Oh, you utter piece of shit. You got Nora you killed you absolutely evil cum stain on the eye of the world. How fucking dare you talk about betrayals and endless wars when you approved a mission that everyone told you was a bad idea and have only increased troop presence in the Middle East.
You were broke, and you have done nothing but spend our money on your golf trips. Millions of dollars that have now lined his pockets because of course every golf trip had to involve a trip to a Beast owned course. It has not been America First, it has never been America First. It's been You Rich Assholes First and the rest of us need to fight over what's left.
I just turned it off. I can't listen to the repetition anymore. I admit there has been good done, seemingly at times in spite of this prick, but it's all meaningless because it's nothing more than a rapid expansion of a corporate police state. The problem with the Democrats is that it's so natural you don't even notice it. Sure, they let gay people marry and might not mind if you smoke a j now and then, but it's nothing short of theater when they're taking the same money as the douche bags on the other side of the aisle. But now, when you have Democratic mayors charging protesters with felonies for buying paint and people like Jane Castor who simply switched over to the Dems so she could run in Tampa but has made her disdain for any type of meaningful change to the police department rather clear, how does anyone even tell the difference anymore?
It's like there isn't even two parties, it's just a bunch of assholes running around doing shit and getting people killed. They fill their fridges full of coconut water and go on vacation while millions of Americans are facing food and housing crises and The Beast just stands on top of the White House and shouts at the pigeons that if it wasn't for Joe Biden he totally would have had a shot with Miss America in 1992.
And everyone looks and just goes, "Huh." It's like we just cannot care anymore. There is nothing left. I keep shouting about how it doesn't matter who we vote for because none of these people have our best interests at heart and it's just, "Change takes time." Like, no shit, but what has really changed? Everything, but not in a good way. Somehow, and this includes me, we keep getting dumber and dumber and falling for the same old shit. The Beast is no outlier. This is the new normal. Pelosi, Schumer, all these fucks will capitalize on it if they win, but I see that as pretty unlikely given the corpse they've chosen to carry their battle standard into the future. And now Pelosi wants to cancel the debates, which means she might as well just come out and say that Biden has trouble with his sentences.
The Beast has laid bare everything wrong with the system, and in no meaningful way have the Democrats tried to fight it. Think about how many stories we've heard this year, even in the past couple of months, that should be bigger but given how often they spew out this shit it's remarkable anyone is able to keep track of anything.
Kelly Anne Conway should have been fired a long time ago for her blatant violations of the Hatch Act. Mitch McConnell's wife definitely needs to be investigated, but they fired the investigators so I guess that will never happen. The Beast has clearly been enriching himself and his family, but I don't think any of them actually have the stomach to try to remove him. A lot of those Emolument Clause charges were pretty stupid, if I'm remembering correctly plus we all knew that impeachment was going nowhere. And DeVos definitely needs to be investigated, because I want to know just what her and her war criminal brother were doing on the board of that Build The Wall company, you know, the one that Bannon just got arrested for because the whole thing was just a scam. That last bit of obvious corruption was buried at the bottom of a Reuters article, and I haven't seen anything about it since and I probably won't anymore. But the country is on fire and untrained 17 year old's are killing people to protect dry cleaners so I get it, it's hard to keep track right now.
And I know, everyone wants things to go back to normal. But I don't think it's going to. I think we're in for a hard, cold winter and it will be a while before we see the light again. I have some hope, mostly I hope I'm wrong, but there is hope that somehow we can come out better than this, that we can find our common decency again and remember that to be an American is to stand in solidarity and lend your neighbor a hand, whether he's conservative or liberal or an illegal immigrant, fleeing a country we indebted and fucked up and who has traveled hundreds of miles just to be exploited at the hands of American industry.
A majority of people just aren't getting it yet, and while we blame the unemployed and can’t seem to accept the simple truth that Black Lives Matter and there is still work to be done, they keep doing whatever the fuck they want and we let them as long they let us get haircuts and go out to eat.
Seriously though, I really could forgive all of it if I never have to hear that Lee Greenwood song again.
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